Climate protest
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Upskilling UK climate experts of the global majority

Education and Youth Game Changers

Climate Reframe

Launched in 2019 as a list of 100 UK based environmental and climate justice activists, experts and advocates from racialised minority backgrounds, Climate Reframe has grown into a community modelling an intersectional, intergenerational and equity-focused environmental movement.

Results and Impact

Social media

percent of survey respondents feel more confident about how to get the most out of social media


percent of survey respondents learnt something new


hours of group and one-to-one training delivered

Digital training and upskilling

Challenge – upskill and empower the Climate Reframe community

Bias and institutional racism results in a climate movement that is skewed and imbalanced in the media and online, with funding and opportunities continuing to go to mainly male and white-led organisations. Our brief was to develop training that would upskill and empower the Climate Reframe community to amplify their individual and organisational profiles, expertise and achievements.

Solution – pre-training survey and  two-hour group training session

We designed and shared a pre-training survey to assess the community’s current experience and areas of interest, identifying social media as the most requested training topic. We developed and delivered a two-hour group training session on Top social media trends of 2024 and how to apply them to your climate communications, and ran support sessions with ten individual trainees to offer tailored social media guidance.

Results – a more confident team

Of the trainees who attended the group workshop and completed the post-training survey, 100% learnt something new, 89% now feel inspired to try something new/different with social media, and 67% feel more confident about how to get the most out of social media. 100% of the trainees who received individual support feedback positively, finding this an invaluable opportunity to receive tailored advice.

Impact – putting the learnings from the training into action

One month after the training, the Reframe community is already putting the learnings from the training into action. Some of the outcomes observed include trainees growing their profiles and engagement on LinkedIn, re-designing an organisational website in line with our recommendations, and incorporating more people-led, authentic imagery in their social content.

What our clients say

“A HUGE thank you to Greenhouse for all your work creating and delivering this training. Despite the tight deadlines, I’m so grateful to you all for pulling it off in such a successful and impactful way. The group session was so well thought-out with fun, interactive elements and clear summaries to cement the learnings. The feedback has been so positive, and I can already see from social media feeds that many trainees are applying the training so well!”