The world’s biggest plastic polluters have obstructed and undermined proven legislative solutions to the plastics crisis for decades, while greenwashing their environmental credentials.
Launched Talking Trash, a detailed and impactful global report which called out the ‘hypocrisy’ of polluters and highlighted key case studies, including Coca-Cola. Secured supporting comments from UK charity, City to Sea, to add further credibility.
Delivered > 35 pieces of coverage, including The Times, The Financial Times, Bloomberg, Forbes, EuroNews and Yahoo! with a reach of > 560 million, an estimated 670 thousand views online and 3,000 social shares.
Put pressure on world’s biggest plastic polluters, who publicly pledged to do more to address the issue. Changing Markets had a meeting request from Coca-Cola following the story and UNESDA, which represents the European soft drinks industry, published an article which called for “a well-designed Deposit Return Schemes (DRS)”.