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Calling fashion to take responsibility for biodiversity

Food and Agriculture Lifestyle


Fashion production has already led to vanishing lakes and critical endangering of Sumatran orangutans, tigers and Indus river dolphins. Synchronicity Earth wanted to raise awareness of this issue through a series of events called Fabric of Life.


Supermodel Arizona Muse was an ambassador for the campaign. Developed key messaging and narrative by analysing existing research. Organised interviews with Arizona and the Founder of Synchronicity Earth for features in high profile media. Invited media to the Fabric for Life events.


Secured three strong issue-led national features in Forbes, BBC Wildlife Magazine and Refinery 29. Trade highlights included Ecotextile News, Apparel Insider and Retail Times with a total reach of over 180,000 people.


Shone a light on the philanthropic need and opportunities in biodiversity. The Fabric for Life events were showcased in the media as THE place to discover how fashion can be sustainable and where philanthropists can support this activity.

Media Coverage