Bring to life the pioneering global analysis of the shift in climate conditions of the world's major cities by 2050 by scientists at Crowther Lab to demonstrate that one in five of us will experience unprecedented climate conditions that have not been experienced before.
Launch a global media and digital campaign for the Crowther lab that brought to life the stories – from London to Barcelona, from x to x, showcasing landmark data and an online tool to equip decision makers with the leverage to take the necessary steps to address climate impacts.
Almost 500 articles published around the world with 64 million coverage views. Highlights: BBC, The Guardian, The Financial Times, Reuters, CNN, CNBC, Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail. The news articles, videos and social assets went viral on social and the #2050Cities hashtag achieved a global reach of 2.4 million and 5.7k website hits.
Engagement with mayors and city leaders around the world, the report has built credibility for Crowther Lab through association with high profile individuals and organisations including the World Economic Forum, Greta Thunberg, Leonardo Di Caprio, and Greenpeace.